Monday, November 10, 2008

Observation 3 10/30/2008

Observation 3 took place on October 30, 2008, and began again on the side of plant A. One Epistylis and an Actinosphaeruim were found in close proximity near the center of plant A. A cluster of seven Diatoms were found at the bottom of plant A near the dirt, with another small cluster of four Diatoms near plant A's top. One Haltera and one Tachysoma were found near each other at the edge of plant A on the microaquarium's far right side. Diatoms could be found scattered throughout the tank. Multiple single celled organisms could be found at various places around plant B; however, the same leaf "traps" that appeared to trap organisms in the previous week were empty. Three Euplotes were found in a close proximity near the center of plant B, witth others at various places around the plant. A few other organisms that I was unable to identify were found in various places of the tank.

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